OpenHaus is a OpenSource software designed to integrate all of your devices from your home under one platform.
Hosted on premise or cloud.
Just as you want, you decide!
Control all the things in your home from various manufacturer in all kind of shapes combined in one app.
Extendable through Plugins and the HTTP API.
One click integration of devices.
Install plugins with one click, no extra configuration needed.
Available Plugins:
The list is growing, and many more devices are supported soon.
Administration with a simple and intuitive Web UI
- no technical expertise required
Whether its configuration, monitoring, or user management, every function is just a few clicks away.
OpenHaus consists of 3 parts.
Each part does a dedicated job.
Its build based on classic client/server principle. Documentation
The demo instance is reseted every 10 Minutes to its default values
The backend provides a JSON API.
Its documented in a Postman
It can be downloaded from the GitHub repo.
Direct link: postman.json
Copyright © OpenHaus
Build by Marc Stirner